Monday, October 24, 2016

Music Monday: Liz Longley

The greatest thing about Monday, is that around here on the blog, I like to post something about the music I'm currently binging on.  And this week, one of musicians I've been listening to a lot is Liz Longley... Particularly her latest CD, Weightless.  It came out months ago, but it wasn't until I heard her playing live at the Kessler Theater here in Dallas that I really fell in love with this batch of songs.
Liz Longley at The Kessler Oct. 18, 2016
Because the CD has a lot of production- a little more than I typically like for a singer/songwriter-, I preferred her live performance even more.  But the CD is great.  Liz has one of the prettiest voices I know of... She a great lyricist and she comes up with some great hooks and her voice is crystal clear and one of my very favorites. 

So today I'm posting the first official video from the Weighless CD, but I highly recommend youtube-ing her and finding some of her live performances as well.  And the more acoustic, the better--- It's that voice of hers you'll want to focus on.  It's breathtaking.

Here's the video of her song called "Swing".

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