Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Art Journaling and Songwriting NOW

Happy July!

In truth, because I live in Dallas, I sorta hate July.  And August.  And at least the first half of September. Oh Dallas, I will never love you for your summertime heat.

To make July more bearable, I decided to start a few indoor projects that will keep me busy without breaking a sweat, and flex my creative muscles.  Two creative endeavors I will be starting in July:

1.  I am starting my Art Journal July 1 (TODAY!  YAY!).  I have talked about Art Journaling and stalked bloggers that do it for years, but I have yet to start and keep one of my own on a regular basis.  But this is where that changes.  I recently bought this book...
And it has inspired me to gather up my materials (which I have over the past week, months and honestly, years!), stop making excuses and just make the time for an art journal already.  And even if it's only 5 minutes a day, that's totally okay!  If it's more than that, even better.

2.  I am going to write a whole bunch of songs between July 4 and October 1.  The online challenge that has motivated me to do this in past years is called "50 songs in 90 days".  I'm not sure about 50 songs this time around, and I'm not sure they have to be all brand new songs, but there will be lots of songwriting most days of each week during the next 3 months.  I might chose to edit and finish something I've previously started, or it might be hot off the press.  I'm not really making firm rules this time around.  I just want to participate in the process and know that in 90 days, when it's finally starting to cool off, and when the Fall days are just around the corner, I will have created some songs that didn't exist in the universe before.  That's all.  Other than that, no firm rules.

I'm doing this not only to reframe how I think of a long, hot summer, but I'm hoping I will learn new things-- even some things about myself, and come out of this feeling like I've really accomplished something cool.

So here goes!  IT'S ON!

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